Sunday 28 August 2016

Super steamy spicy meme DO NOT steal!

 Toyed around with GIMP again because I had an idea for a new avatar. It actually came out nicely which was to be expected because it didn't require anything but cropping a few things and messing around with layers. A mentally impaired 5-year-old with Parkinson's could've made it.

 The following having been the superceded avatar:

 I think I'm being too greedy by appropriating a character I found on the chans as a persona, but the memes must flow. Depressive comfy knights that are too demotivated to get out of bed fit me like a glove.

 Maybe I have some talent in image manipulation I could use for the future. Remains to be seen. I'll definitely brew up some more OC so spicy that it would provoke nothing less than the fawning of Indian Rajahs* to check if this is the case.


 * - Because Indian food is spicy, ha ha. Somebody kill me.

Weight loss update.

 This will be short and will serve as a  substitue for the post promised yesterday at least for the moment.

 My attempts at losing weight have yielded results - Somewhat. I've reached a point where my skin is faintly pulling on the ribcage yet my stomach still lightly rests over the belt to an exent.

 I'm not sure if this is a good thing.


Saturday 27 August 2016

Reconciliation with the alt-right

 Here comes one of the posts promised earlier.

 I've not done further research into the movement so this post is definitely going to be fundamentally inaccurate, but I'm going to write this anyways because I'll otherwise spend my time procrastinating.

 Agreement one - Racialism

 Human race exists. Period. National Geographic, Fox News, and even the nutty neoprogressives behimd this Gawker proxy have admitted that humans have different traces of Neanderthal DNA in their own depending on their location. Haplotypes also exist and they correspond to the location of ethnic groups across the planet. Ergo, race literally exists. The degree to which it does leads us to...

 Disagreement one - Racial discrepancy

 A lot of current deviations from the human norm within separate races are influenced by socio-economic factors - though they are not the sole cause. For example, one of the differences the alt-right seems most fond of bringing up to reinforce their point. But black poverty in the US factors largely into their IQ gap compared to whites (There is a study saying that even when compared in equal income brackets blacks scored lower than whites. I cannot confirm its validity. But I would be surprised if blacks naturally lagged in behind in IQ with anything greater than single digits). Asians have a strong sense of at times truly commendable collectivism and devotions to causes greater than the self that lead them to excel at things such as but not constrained to IQ tests, for example. Even jews, which I will not deny have the highest natural intelligence of all races, can attribute a lot of their success to their culture of cooperation and solidarity strengthened by centuries of oppression and prejudice****.

 Agreement two - Western Civilization is humanity's greatest to date

 It is, thanks to all the scientific advancement it has brought humanity, even singlehandedly bringing us to the post-industrial age (at the expense of non-western civilization, sadly). It is however not the only great civilization of the world and non-white cultures should be respected and held in about as high esteem as white/western civilization.

  BUT, whites are rapidly outliving their usefullness (My existence speaks volumes on this tbh). They're spending their time advocating for the most and most asinine trash (Including but not limited to making sex more of a big deal than it actually is - When ideally it should be an absolutely private matter. Do your wife, husband, <gender neutral term of spouse>, or even dog if the thing consents, but that is no concern of the society.) while non-white nations are lurking in the shadows ready to outpace them in demographical growth and scientific and infrastructural innovation.

 The alt-right is staunchly pro-white survival and is against the displacement that seems to take place in the current European environment, and while I personally am against the removal of almost any culture, I can't help but feel schadenfreude at this collapse of white civilization accounting for them having brought almost all of what is happening to them upon themselves after seeking hedonism and moral alternatives to Christianity just for the sake of being more secular.

 But I will push my mental illnesses aside and say that ideally white civilization should be preserved.

 Agreement three - (Almost) All cultures should be prized and globalism should be opposed

 Cultural diversity (The global kind, not the regional kind the left wants to impose) is as helpful as helpful as biological diversity - very. More cultures means more testing grounds for different methods of thought - Most of which can be equal in effectiveness depending on where and how they are practiced.

 I'm not sure if the opposition to globalism is only reserved for this cultural reason or if they also oppose its current economic incarnation where people from poorer nations are exploited at horribly depressed wages. Because I am against this kind of globalism as well.

 (Dis)Agreement two - Inegalitarianism/Hierarchism

 The alt-right claims to be against equality. If this equality they are talking about is of outcome, consider this an agreement, if it is of opportunity, consider this a disagreement.

 However, a safety net should still be put in place to ensure the unemployed's livelihoods are safeguarded regardless. As long as everybody trying to participate in good faith in the state's apparatus* goes to sleep on a fed stomach the rich can be free to exchange their quadrillions of dollars' worth of exoplanets to establish mining operations or whatever the rich would do with planets. You get the idea.

 (Dis)Agreement three - Moral traditionalism

 I've drifted away from traditionalism ever since I got my little hands on a keyboard and progressively morphed into an exact opposite of what the church around the corner would preach to be a just man.

 To cut it short - Yes, I'm a degenerate. A furry degenerate** at that - But I still firmly believe that traditional morality is the best way to sustain a stable and long-lasting society. I just don't practice this belief because any hope of the western world staying traditionalistic took a misstep on a land mine in 1918 and has slowly been succumbing to infections and injuries in a soaking trench ever since. In that respect, the alt-right was doomed to fail before it was even concieved because of this fact, and I'm only joining it out of principle (and memes) - Western society has become materialistic to the marrow and a bunch of people that are right of centre can't reverse this. My ideal authoritarian government is purely idealisitc and any involvment I show in right-wing politics is done out of a blend of contrarianism and what is left of my principle - Deep down inside I just want to ride this chaos that is the current political climate out.

 I want to go a bit into specifics - I originally was pro-gender/sex (XX and XY chromosomes) equality. However, a realization that's dawned upon me after seeing a discussion on the internet is that giving women the opportunity - nay, expecting them to get jobs has led to a depression of wages and equality only in recieving the same miserable salary at the profit of porky/the rich elite. In this regard I may have become more traditionalistic when it comes to marriage (Not that I'll marry anyways) and the treatment of women.

 Nevertheless, if a woman wishes to get a job expected of a man from the depths of her soul and can do it in equal or greater competence she should be given all permissions to do so.

 Disagreement four - Anti-islamism

 While Islam in its radical form is a threat, in its moderate form it is still an Abrahamic religion held up by fundamental Abrahamic tenets which have been informally certified to sustain well-functioning civilizations.

 I can understand alt-righters that want altough Islam out of the west - Though its moderate counterpart and the west aren't akin to water and oil - but then come those that want Islam completely driven out of existence, which I firmly disagree with (See me wanting to preserve culture above). There is a present risk of Europe becoming this in the following centuries:

 But the cynic in me screams that muslims will succumb to materialism before overturning current European culture***.

 And this is about it. Seems like enough of an ideological overlap for me. But the reader should keep in mind that I'm analizying an image of the alt-right which portrays it as a moderate movement that seeks cultural and racial homogenity consistently throughout the world and the pursuit of tradition. There are strong hints of white supremacy afoot which make me reticent to join it just yet.

 ... But even if they're false flags, do I really want to join? What does this 14-year-old memeslut have to offer to this political movement? I might just get painted as a subversive shill if I try to counter some alt-right points if my experience on /pol/ after somewhat growing out of the redpill is accurate. Where do I join the alt-right? It's clear to see that it's a movement, not an organization. There is no sign up paper. Is the a huge, non-anonymous alt-right forum somewhere out there where I could establish a presence and maybe find some friends among trying to have some decent discussion everywhere?

 If one thing's for sure, you won't be seeing my boast about what account I make on what site (too much) (maybe a bit) (lbh lads I'll do it a ton because I'm a neglected narcissist) - It's best to not just start screaming that I'm 14 - Instead I'll build a persona and consolidate it as I try and embed myself in the community in a symbiotic relationship. Then I'll reveal my age and being attention begging.

Allegorical meme
 And in case I change my mind, an alternative to the alternative right as a way to find a community exists.

 But you'll have to read about it in a future post.


 * - Somebody might accuse me of hypocrisy as I don't seem to entirely want to participate in the state machine in good faith. That person might be right. I'm going to be ambiguous.
 ** - I'll talk about this in a future post :^)
 *** - Would be hypocritical to condemn them for this tbbbbbh

"I'll write more in a future post"

 I have noticed an accumulation of posts where I vouch that I will go further into detail about a subject in a nebulously planned "future" post only to never deliver. There's been a noticeable increase in their incidence as of my latest post and I seek to correct this, having happened to forget about them by fortunate chance.

 In other news I've been looking up more information about antidepressants and the one that may help me (A medicine that especially treats the symptoms depression shares with ADD) with the most bothersome symptoms of my depression has high chances of causing seizures if I am susceptible to epilepsy - And I sincerely don't know this - and, apparently a staple of anti-depressants, will make me want to kill myself a wee touch little more than I already do. And I don't want to hand down the current knowledge I have of comitting suicide to a self that is more determined to go through with the act.

 Best case scenario I become a HIGH ENERGY mofo that can flawlessly channel all his splinters of the English language no longer concealed by brain fog into literary masterpieces. Worst case scenario I kill myself - And I can already do that without pretending I'm trying to better myself.

 The pessimists in me sees relief in either scenario. The question is - Is it worth it?

 And that's a tough pickle I find myself in.

Friday 26 August 2016

Further insight into the alt-right.

 Turns out I was hasty to label the alt right as my eloquently put "Race exists and instead of showing this evident truth to all uninformed bystanders in as sensible a manner as possible we will stumble in the pitfall of claiming that minorities should be deported to their homelands, falling in the left's trap and giving them a free hand in portraying racialism and racism as synonymous! Does anybody else SJWS are cucks lol XD" strawman. While browsing r/The_Donald* I inadvertently discovered two web-pages that tried to clear up what the alt-right is. Here they are. My only previous exposure to the alt-right was a stream where Sargon of Akkad** butted in on a hang-out of alt-right members of which most held some rather controversial opinions which I thought were representative of the movement, which back then seemed little more than an offshoot of the /pol/ boards on 4 and 8 chin.

 Well, they've grown in size since then, to the point of catching the attention of a presidential hopeful which has addressed them publicly - Only giving them more publicity and thus numbers, one of which might be me. I will explain. But to do this we have to go back a little.

 My endgame for life is - Or at least used to be the following: Get by with as little as possible, garner my livelihood with whatever job life lands me (Probably a translator - But I'm unsatisfied with my English and my Romanian is lamentable to put it formally), live in voluntary solitude, celibacy, etc. and game away my free time with the added dreaming of humanity engineering biological immortality within my lifetime so I'll have an eternity to play away. Maybe even start a coveted authorship if I can drag myself out of the linguistical mire I'm in. I supressed whatever desire I had for companionship in hopes I will lose it as time goes on in hopes it will fade away on its own. I can assume it has worked to a point, as I still long for some companionship but no longer feel compelled to seek it in other humans. I don't know if the process can be furthered or reversed but I hope I haven't pushed myself into this pit forever.

 However, the incident since yesterday has somewhat resuscitated this desire for companionship***. Since in no way in hell I'm going to look for interaction within the physical presence of other humans I will have to look for a virtual community - And the alt-right seems to fit the bill to an extent.

 I've formerly written that I agree with the alt-right on just one aspect - That race exists, and on nothing else. However, that was describing what I agreed on with the fictitious representation of this movement myself. (I'll try to list my conflicting and according beliefs with the alt-right using the linked "What the alt-right is" post for reference - In an upcoming post. I've sperged enough in this one.)

 The essential is that I seem to agree with the alt-right just enough to not seem like a subversive element but disagree with them sufficiently to generate some interesting discussion if it ever came to that.

 And now my father asked me to arrage my school notebooks. I think I'm only doing more harm than good to the alt-right by giving lefties something to reinforce their argument that the movement is composed of little more than nazi nutheads and meme-addicted kids.


 * - Being banned from 4Xia made me descend into shady places more than I usually do. My plea for innocence this instance is that in spite of reddit's poor design as a site it is still somewhat better to get a quick rundown of current world news than an anonymous imageboard. It's also lulzy to try and reason with the far left that's scuttled its way into the very structure of the site since I last actively participated in it. Don't ethnic cleanse me lads.
 ** - The fat guy that bashes feminists, not the legendary emperor. He's nice background noise for video games. He also reads historical texts in an offshoot channel of his - Which has proven a good method of culturing my short attention-spanned self as I can both game and listen to essential works without missing out on the fun of both. I tried listening to the communist manifesto from cover to end twice but both attempts were cut short by my family issues. Third time's a charm, hopefully.
 *** - I'm a really lonely freak, okay?

 **** - I'd argue that with physical tasks becoming increasingly obsolete with technology that Jews are the master-race that should populate the earth tbh. Weak but clever people with a strong sense of duty and community are the future. Come at me /pol/.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Back from the Thrillary speech stream

 Author's note (Added 19 October 2016): She did actually touch the subject, but she never elaborated on it to a degree I'd find sufficient. I suspect this is becaue the alt-right can be whatever one wants it to be so there is not much to define.

 And the "PEPE!" yell really blew up since I wrote this post. Makes me feel somewhat glad I witnessed it live.

 I added this because I decided I'd look back on older submissions of mine to commiserate times past but only ended up feeling embarrassed that I'm exposing all my autism for all the public to see. Oh well.

 She didn't even touch on the alt-right subject.

 But at least someone cried "PEPE" out loud in the back of the crowd so I'll say it wasn't all bad.

Hillary confronts the nazi frogs

 Not very timely given the last post, but the memes have to flow.

 Today presidential contender Chillary "Postman's here" Clinton aspires to making a speech about the alt-right and their hazardous memes.

  Normally I wouldn't care too much about the alt-right. One belief we share is that race exists, and that's about where the dividend ends. I'm more focused on culture as the largest stable entity humans can thrive in, as opposed to race, humanity, or suchlike, and moreover I'm more inclusive in that if somebody of a race differing to that of the indigenous culture is not prevented by his genes from integrating or wanting to integrate within the host culture he could/should be welcome with open arms - Assuming times are not of unrest. Meanwhile the alt-right is more about "Race exists and instead of showing this evident truth to all uninformed bystanders in as sensible a manner as possible we will stumble in the pitfall of claiming that minorities should be deported to their homelands, falling in the left's trap and giving them a free hand in portraying racialism and racism as synonymous! Does anybody else SJWS are cucks lol XD"

 But this is not solely about the alt-right, in most respects. It's about Pepe, the greates member of the entourage of meme characters that have accompanied me to a giggle even a the world was burning around me - In times much like this one.

 Nobody will take my memes away. May the Trumpster vanquish this fun-resenting witch and prevail animosity towards fun press on to advance the gospel of memery*.

Godspeed, maniac.


 * - This is a pretty cringy phrase but what the unsuspecting leader fails to realize is that I was just sneakily exercising my English by using some words I reminded myself with a thesaurus. Carry on.

Not a thing can be done by so few men that a hero couldn't do

 Well, tried talking up to mother and ended up stuttering about declaring her mentally ill and telling her that there is no magic cast by my grandparents or that there is a large number of people being assigned to sabotage her through trivial things being by grandpa. I also told her that this only exists in her head which displays signs of schizotypal behavior.

 That shut her up for a while. I hear my parents resuming talk now - I don't have the energy to try and talk some sense again. Not that I coherently could, anyways.

 Mom told me, after a fit of paused "okays" that I'm on my own making myself dinner - Which I'm glad of, as she was going to cook us another calorie bomb nightmare - and that we're no longer going to Canada*.

 When I managed to get in contact with father outside mother's earshot trying to tell him that I will prepare my school books when she is no longer downstairs he seemed to ignore what I said and instead intrerrupted to tell me that mom's not ill, that she loves me and [implicitly] that I shouldn't treat her like this. He's not that much better with words than me.

 I suppose it's back to everybody being on nobody's side again.

 Albeit if any good came out of this it severed relations between me and my mom and shattered her illusion that I actually am a voluntary member of the familial mother-son relationship she thinks I'm in.


 I might go into more detail about my family in a future post. Right now I need some memes and my ban on 4Tang didn't synchronize well with this event.


 * - She was adamant about the family leaving for living in a foreign nation at the percieved and false threat of war erupting here (It won't) - Initially this nation was Germany, and she was getting prepared for living there to the point of learning German and taking one or two exams to get a certificate. Yesterday, when the conflict wasn't as intense between her and father, I asked her what happened after some raised voices finished bickering when she told me her, intrinsically distorted, version of the story. Among disclosing that she was worried about father doing something with his parents (Which had a slim chance of being something that wasn't completely ordinary) she said she was still vehement in going to Germany. I managed to shoot her point down after years of her persisting by warning her of a possible (In retrospect it's not really that likely or in the domain of the near future) demographic collapse in it since they have to supply young foreigners to supply their aging population and that Canada (She brought it up originally when telling me an account of some patient - She's a gynecologist - of her suggest moving to Canada if leaving the country) would be a better pick taking into consideration that I already know English adequately and that I have to learn French for school (Though how much I learn it myself or how much of it is demanded of me in school is another matter entirely). She actually fell for my suggestion, the absolute madwoman.

 And now she's completely dropped the entire moving out scenario. Calamity averted. I managed to squeeze out some good out of this situation.

Trying to take on the darkness

 Well, my schizotypal mother has since yesterday decided that father was in league with his parents to fight against her and has not stopped pestering or verbally abusing him since.

 She's now nearly screaming her ravings about all this fictious conspiratorial dreck including but not limited to dad's parents having some sort of huge sprawling network of personal connections dedicated to making our family's lifes worse and, I am not making this up, paying witches to curse us.

 And I'm sick of it. I'm going to stand up against this demented b*tch and up for my father not because dad ever stood up for me - Because he didn't. That is exactly why I'll stand up for him - I would've done the same if I were in his position.

 Me and my father are both reclusive pariahs that have had everybody in their family try to damage them in some way - And we share even more past that. If I can do the geezer a favor it is to actually try and brighten his glum life a bit by pausing the mouth of the banshee that he's been stuck with for multiple year.

 I'm making this post before actually doing this because there is a high chance I'll get my computer taken away from me. I don't care. It's time I light up the night.

Wednesday 24 August 2016


 I found a really spicy meme which I found to be topical to what has just happened in the 4chan cup (One of the competing boards, /an/, was Harambe*-themed).

It's funny because he's drinking a hazardous substance to join the deceased primate in the afterlife

 I was so determined to post this sweltering hot meme on the cup's general thread that I just downloaded a VPN so I could circumvent my damn ban.

 Turns out that some of daddy mootles' legacy consists of 4Qin being able to detect if you are using a VPN - Or at least the kind of VPN I was using. I proactively recieved another day added to my ban.

 Maybe I shouldn't have used the first VPN displayed by searching for one with my search engine.


 * - If it's unclear, Harambe was the Gorilla that was terminated a while back to protect the life of a toddler that fell in its enclosure. He now lives on eternally as a meme.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The ban circumvention masterplan

 I still have some minor hindrances that're interfering with my meme cravings. That being that THESE PROXIES DON'T LET ME FILL OUT THE CAPTCHA REEEEEEEEE.

I actually did it - The absolute madman

Comfyknight is ready to puncture some blank word processors with words of the most sophisticated calibre.

 I got around to tidying up my wordbox and I'm currently placing the words I've learned courtesy of it in a separate, distinct, distinguishable* and newer wordbox as a preemptive measure against having no means to find a word to describe a specific instance of something that you feel you knew but can no longer recall.

 (Post-scriptum caveat: The following paragraphs literally don't make sense and I'm too lazy to rewrite them. Reader discretion advised.)

 The topic I'm talking about doesn't isn't enough to write a sufficiently-sized serious post for this blog (The bar having already been set ankle-low), so I thought I could try to present the concept of a fantasy setting I've been toying around with for a while, and in an unanticipated burst of HIGH ENERGY I went as far as to dedicate a whooping three small textbook pages (Not exactly Tolkienesque) to organizing what ideas I've set in stone already in a manner that I can expand on them as I write. It's written very sequentially and analytically as if created specifically for an audience, but I'm not going to post the little I've written yet. Instead I might dedicate a blog to making entries about the world's basics and setting in its late iron age, from which I will distance from through stories and further entries. In that sense one could say it's a living, breathing world. Ostensibly so, as the only reason I am starting this world from the iron age is to consolidate a rich lore for a story set in the modern age which I thought of on a whim. The alternative is to pull a George RR Martin "Look at me write this vague history full of blank pockets of time which I openly admit is incomplete but the suckers that read my works actually think its deep ahahahaha".

 I just paused to notice that I am in fact dedicating this post to the setting. Anyways, let's continue.

 Except my HIGH ENERGY guttered out, making me stop at the previously mentioned amount of three pages. Reason being, aside from some presumed brain chemistry shenanigans, I got demotivated at the amount of work I will have to put into this for just one story.

 When it comes to writing, I'm awfully perfectionist. To the point it's absurd, and be it maybe because I spent a bit too much time on level-based games I treat writing like it's some skill in an MMO to level as you write increasingly better literature starting from the bottom of the barrel.

 Allow me to explain. When I was about 9, I decided to write a book, as back then I was infatuated with knights. It took place in a conglomerate of four islands, and it starred an originally generic knight character in this small world that after multiple years of borderline psychotic daydreams in intensity has grown into something better that may or may not be considered an interesting world with its own share of intriguing historical figures (This setting, much like my newer one). Being a large world, I planned on the action of more books taking place in it.

 But as I grew up I realized that my writing skills weren't even adequate, which prompted me to start various silly writing ventures with little thought put into them out of sloth and fear of exhausting ideas for my first world to improve my skills. They're all in broken down shambles now, incomplete.

 Among these ventures, I thought about writing stories in quantitatively rich but shallow fantasy planets, one of which was entirely contrived to serve the purpose of sharpening my writing while entirely missing the point of what sharpens one's writing - The others results of more aforementioned daydreams I never externalized properly. These settings eventually coalesced in a single universe in my mind, then concentrated into a galactic sector (I intended for the civilizations on the world to advance magically - magic being a cheap cop out for technology then - to an interstellar stage of civilization and begin to fight Tyranid ripoffs).

 Then the idea lost its luster, both because I generally lose interest in things after a while from a mix of tightness on attention span and alleged depression, but also because it felt too shallow to go anywhere as I write it.

 But then that story set in a modern period manifested - concurrently with me still not having given up on the cluster setting, initially. The former outlived the latter, and after spending a summer of time killing I decided that maybe writing is still worth a shot. I decided that instead of writing stories trying to capture the evolution of multiple worlds** hastily, I salvage as many elements from all of them in an as natural way as possible and tailor a decent world.

 And I think I might have succeeded. I already have many ideas on how to add on to the slim framework of this world, and I do have a basic timeline and theme in mind. I want to avoid divulging too much out of an unfounded fear that someone might happen upon this blog (hint: nobody does) and steal my ideas. I'm overly protective like that.

 The only problem, which I guess was the main intention behind these many paragraphs, was to say that now I've become attached to this world as well and might just start writing more toughtless dreck to perfect my narration if not else because I do not believe I can competently make this world live up to its greatest potential - A vicious cycle of perfectionism. I just don't learn, do I?

 It also appears that I've spent the HIGH ENERGY destined for sorting out my wordbox after writing this long post.

 Final word is that, I apparenty was mistaken to say that there is less than a month until the american presidental elections end contrary to what I've written in an antecedent post. I was mistaken.

 Perhaps Trump still has a chance to win this procession and conjure people like me a perpetual spring of banter, memes and civic nationalism to draw HIGH ENERGY and MOTIVATION from. This sentence might just be more than a joke. Who knows?

 FINAL final words now - I was considering a migration to Wordpress after finding out this website was owned by Google (Should've been clear upon seeing a gmail is necessary to operate a blog - But I ain't the roundest turnip of the bunch) for various reasons most of which I won't disclose just now. The one I will is that Google is rapidly growing a cancerous monopoly on internet media which I can't stop, but at least my conscience would rest lighter if I knew I didn't participate in nurturing this tumor. But they have restraints on how much space your blog can take up for free, so I might have to give in and get cuckolded by Googleplex.

 * - Proactively flexing my metaphorical vernacular muscles through repetition on the chance they might decide to otherwise go stiff. 
 ** - Noticing a trend with this? My best guess at why this is might be because playing Civilization 5 late in my childhood might've instilled a fascination with scientific advancement. Could also be a subconscious translation of a short attention span as I prioritize lore stretched out consistently over the span of time with diverse circumstances rather than fully fleshing out a world in a single instance of time.

Monday 22 August 2016

The trip to the city, hope dies alone and cyber outlawship

 Looking back at it, the trip to the neighbouring city wasn't that bad. It started off pretty badly with me being extremely tired after getting only four hours of sleep.

 The bus the family took to it wasn't exactly the best either, but it got us there safely and without injury. I didn't manage to watch that much of the scenery on arrival or return as I tried placing my head against a soft surface that didn't shake too intensively to get some rest.

 We then spent the day at a local landmark which I won't describe in detail because of paranoid reasons stated prior to this post. Unfortunately, the event which mother wanted to see (Which was basically cannons being stuffed with a few handfuls of gunpowder and then fired) actually took place the day before we visited the city, much to her distraught.

 I got home with time to spare before the memeball* started, but it was - Not exactly disappointing. It was definitely spectacular, but not in the way I anticipated or one that leaves me conventionally satisfied.

 One of the main players in the "memeball" cup was the /mlp/ board. It had already gotten in the semifinals, and its first opponents were the mecha board. Well, at this point /mlp/ was the antagonist of this cup by grace of being, well, about friendship and ponies. It's also one of the most notoriously powerful teams in the cup, having each kick done by the anthropomorphic fiends be vouched for by a small battalion of obsessive playtesters. At this point it had already defeated two relatively beloved boards.

 A team of mechanical robots pitted against a more powerful entity of seemingly insurmountable force? Sounds like some Protomen is due.

 The game indicated it would be a draw until /mlp/ scored a final goal in the last. Minute.

 The host of this stream was in jaw-dropping shock when hit by the realization of what happened and became genuinely distressed about /mlp/ winning the cup. This being because he has admitted to liking the show long in the past (we're talking maybe more than half a year), and that exactly one year ago, in the first cup I watched**, /mlp/ also won - Some people thought that the two tie in together and that the host rigged the game to the point it's become a running gag and even the wiki is eponymous of this meme. But the memes turned serious this cup.

 Apparently /mlp/ had been allowed to use some formations that were not licit in the grounds of this cup, but I believe this was done purely out of mistake and not ill intent.

 Well, the host admits that he will have to resign if /mlp/ wins because people will have more than enough reason to believe that he's deliberately abused the cup's algorithms in favor of the pony board.

 Next up came the final, against /o/ - a board whose purport is the discussion of cars, and an underdog team that has cleared its way to this point. Hope was riding, alone, but not in the way we initially thought! Meme magic!

 Hope died alone. /mlp/ won.

 The manager was more quiet than usual and let the co-host and team managers discuss the result. When he did talk I swear I've heard a couple stifled sobs throughout the entire conversation. Still, this was not the last of the cup. Being one of the elite cups (the other occuring during winter), the winning team gets to fight a "final boss" in a gag level where all players are replaced by models that do not belong in the game but retain a theme. Space in this case. Since the stream's already stretched past 3:00 AM and I had little sleep beforehand I closed it and went to sleep out of fear of dying from sleep deprivation. The fears were probably exaggerated but me not postponing sleep any further was of no hazard.

 Come morning I check the general concerning this event on 4chan to see that the other commentators talked the host out of killing himself (That is memespeak for resigning as cup manager).

 The last thing crazy thing that's happened was that, shortly before starting to write this post, I go on a very *h*o*t* ~s~p~i~c~y~ funposting spree on a thread on 4Han. The mod or janitor that caught me first deemed it worthy of a 6-day ban (Don't ask what I did. If it's of any relief it wasn't illegal).

 The good news about this is that I finally know what a VPN and a proxy are and what distinguishes the two. The bad is that I've not yet managed to circumvent this ban with either. My only two options are going dry of memes for almost a week or doubling the chan for half the discussion opportunities. Pretty constrained. Bad 2 the bone tbbbbbh.

 I'll probably stop being lazy and check more than 8 proxy sites tomorrow, though.

 * - I hold doubts that I've actually explained what this all is about. Simply put, teams representing various boards (subsections) of the website 4chan vie for the highest position in seasonal football tournaments. The games are allegedly broadcasted in real time but many skeptics claim that the footage is pre-recorded. You'll see what I mean a little later in what of the post is above the header.

 ** - I still have vague memories of an agitated me asking where the stream was located in the /tg/ thread advertising the match they would participate in for the day. It's been a year since then. I used to be 13.

Now onwards things are only going to get worse and my perception of time will only scramble further.

Saturday 20 August 2016


 Two days ago I achieved level 100 Paragon on my seasonal character in D3. Yesterday I got to 150 and beyond.

Pretend the clipping isn't there. Pls.

 That's about where the good news ends.

 A good while ago on this blog I said that my mother wanted to have the entire family go out in the town together for no apparent reason. I wasn't being fully truthful - She wants me to have done at least one memorable thing this summer of largely isolating myself to play on the computer with the intermittent walk every odd day. She's been increasingly eager to goad me into going out for walks with her.

 And I think I've sealed my fate in one such stroll. In one of her more high-functioning moments of wanting me to go out on a trip with us two and my father I asked her if we could meet up at a restaurant placed in the outskirts of the city, which she used to have me eat at back when we still lived in an apartment in the city centre* (Which was years ago).

 We take the bus which used to drop the transiters near the establishment to find out that it had changed courses, and we're dropped out at an entirely different part of the town's outskirts, at the end of the bus' course. We had 10 minutes to do anything before it would start again, which I spent walking around and admiring the scenery of the area which consisted mostly of wooded ridges fading into the distance** which seem to be ominpresent this part of the country - And it happened to bring back memories of me on the train to various destinations in each summer up to but excluding this one. Not sure why, but it did make me feel melancholy.

 Having my guard down, and knowing that she mentioned visiting a particular city prior to this moment, I asked her when would be the closest opportunity to take the train somewhere. A pretty dumb qustion because trains aren't exactly too affordable even for my family, especially when you want to ride them without paying the destination too much mind, but I'm not exactly a bard when it comes to striking up in-person conversation; I also tell her the why of this.

 She tells me that trains are often delayed from reaching their destination and that I've got more scenery to see on a bus anyways - Can't argue with that.

 Except that the thirst for exploring scenery thought that the ridges were too pretty a place to pass up rpaming through and left me with a mother that now wants me out of town, tomorrow no less, but fortunately enough to be only adequately short of time to be home in time for the final rounds of memeball. This doesn't bother me as much as the fact that I'll only get four and a half hours of sleep if I am to both watch all matches of autistic divegrass livestreamed today and reach the city in time to watch a ceremony mother very much wants to witness in person***.

 Quite the conflict of interest. But I value my memeball more than my braincells (actually typing as I watch it). So be it.

 It's a pretty comfy city, so it might not be all horrible if we spend the better part of a day there. Provided mother doesn't get hysterical over some thing I have no control over again.

 * - I'd trade in my current petit bourgeoisie situation for my ideal life of working as a translator and living in a cramped apartment doing nothing but spending my leisure time on the computer any time of the day tbbfh, in case somebody thinks I'm a spoiled brat (Said person wouldn't be wrong. My mother has two personalities - Absolutely devoted, overprotective and eager to indulge me and suspicious and volatile).
 ** - Though common, these ridges actually stir a sense of adventure in me and I feel the need to escalate them and at least see what's on the other side if not go beyond. Not much time for actually getting around to that when you have a mother that's commonly paranoid about alien hobos from Uranus coming to cut you up and take your organs if you go outdoors, games to grind and memes to meme :^).
 *** - I'm being this vague because one day, in an alternate quantum dimension where Trump is appointed POTUS and other memes come to life, I might find myself overtaken by HIGH ENERGY and proceed to pull my head free of my hindquarters and maybe become a mildly acclaimed and controversial genre fiction author. In that case I'd like to give the people that want to doxx me a fun challenge instead of handing them my person on a platter.

Thursday 18 August 2016

It's over

 The Trump train is pretty much crashed at this point.

Normally I'm against using quotes or popular media to get my point across but this time I will make an exception.

 And while he shot himself in the foot on the occasion, it's been mainly sabotaged by hordes upon hordes of often disingenuous... dare I say, SJWs? Well, whomever sabotaged him or not, the word is still a buzzword, so I'll just refer to the group in question as "progressives"*, because that's closer to where their allegiance lies.

 I just want to dedicate this post to taking apart three such disingenuous "masterposts" about why Trump is a fascist, racist and sexist in that correspondent order. The author, I shall go on a limb and assume is a white woman in her 20s. Because that demographic struck me as the one most prone to making up the most lies about Trump's person on the internet**.

 For reference, the duce, the meme, the god, the dankster himself, Mussolini, described fascism as "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state ", but I am going to narrow its definition to an authoritarian, corporatist police state similar to what the former has implemented in Italy. It would be an exaggeration to say Trump's platform can be described using the former definition, or that he wants to create a corporatist police state - Giving a tax cut to corporations is NOT corporatism. Corporatism would be formally permitting corporations to gold congress seats(Which they kind of already do in the US, but informally). Wanting to implement some tougher policing when America is faced with ubiquitous riots isn't creating a police state either.

 I would've archived the news links that are most relevant to the libel written in this post to not give clicks to grubby hacks, but I'm too dumb to operate an archive. In fact, I'll be so lazy you'll have to read the post linked in parallel to my criticism.

 I'll warn the reader that this is probably not a good way to spend his/her time.

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
Read more at:
All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
Read more at:

 Except that he's said nothing about killing specifically women or children. He said that family members that do not act on their terrorist relatives' unlawful actions should be executed. This would include brothers, wives, sisters, whatever. Nothing was said about killing children, and if anybody would start killing toddlers first you can bet it would be ISIS. These actions indeed go against international laws, but international law isn't going to save us from an armed organization hellbent on killing all that disagree with it?

 Also, this is not fascist.

 "Trump doubles down after veterans speak out claiming U.S soldiers would not commit war crimes or torture children even if ordered to. Trump responds with, “They’re not going to refuse me. If I say do it, they’re going to do it"

 He's reffering to him being very charismatic and convincing. Also, this is not fascist.

 "Trump on torture: “Even if it doesn’t work they probably deserved it anyway."

 We are talking fanatical serial killers here. They do. Also, torture not exclusively fascist.

 "Trump renews calls for torture citing public executions and mass rape committed by ISIS promising for the U.S to do the same, “fighting fire with fire."

 Except that even the article linked does not state this. Trump's statement of fighting fire with fire was directed at ISIS being able to behead infidels while the US can't even waterboard terrorists.

 So dishonest. SAD! Also, not fascist.

 "Trump says Geneva Conventions a problem and needs to be changed since, US soldiers are to afraid to do their job due to laws which outline the definition of war crimes."

 He was referring to laws against torture being too restrictive in his own opinion. It's not like he's going to start bombing mosques full of children. Also, not fascist.

 In fact, I know an instance of a devoutly anti-fascist nation that has broken the Geneva convention to fight a fascist nation.

 "Trump threatens to shoot down Russian planes starting war with Russia."

  IF Russia ceases to intimidate the US with their potato skin-camouflaged WW1 bombers. Putin and Trump seem to be on cordial relations, and there is nothing that would indicate this changing if he were to become president. Hell, this lying mess of a post even acknowledges that Putin endorsed Trump, and argues that this somehow makes Trump a "fascist" when Putin isn't a fascist. Also, not fascist.

 "Trump says he, "won’t rule out” using nuclear weapons in Europe"

 All he said was that he is not "going to take cards off the table". Obviously there is nothing happening in Europe that Trump would consider using a nuclear warhead to deal with, but if the geopolitical climate changes he might have to. I'd say I can only hope he doesn't nuke me but to be honest tbh that would be an improvement. Also, not fascist.

Trump calls for a global nuclear rearmament.

 I won't argue for Trump on this because it's a bad idea with a few positives to the side. Nevertheless, not fascist.

 Trump says he would declare a World War as President.

 It's a metaphorical world war against ISIS. It's not like nukes are going to fly everywhere and turn Earth into a second Venus. Also, not fascist.

Trump's solution for high gas prices is to violate The Geneva Convention by invading several of America's allies in the Middle East and Africa unprovoked to forcibly seize the oil fields for himself.

 When asked for clarification about the above mentioned plan to steal land from multiple nations on two different continents Trump responded with, “We’re not stealing anything. We’re taking.“

 Eh, not the best nor worst idea but it's still not fascist. Imperialist at worst.

Trump says during debate he wants to invade Syria with 30,000 soldiers.

 I want to highlight this. This God-forsaken piece of blatant, dishonest, malicious piece of libel.



 Also, not fascist.

 I can't say this won't be abused, but this is one way to purge the pathologically violent from society. But then corrupt US police officers could abuse this special status to commit crimes themselves and not be shot at so that the victims could keep their lives but not their wallets - Or other items.

 Still, not fascist. Okay, maybe this has just a small hint of fascism on it. Not much more than that, though.

 As much as I'd say there's nothing wrong with this incorrect incarceration is a thing in our world. Humane executions are the best compromise between not being too cruel with the wrongly convicted and purging the scum of society. It's a shoddy compromise, but it'll have to do. Also, not fascist.

 So he's an unprincipled opportunist that exploited the chance to cash off an entrepreneur wanting to have books published. Also, not fascist.

 And Maria Theresa's 5th degree cousing saw Trump's face burnt next to Jesus' in her piece of morning toast. Your point?

 A lot of the next bullet points are guilt by association fallacies, most of them being pretty obvious.

 I've already spent too much time on a post that not too many will read, and, in the end, I'm clever enough to see through most of the sophistry these people pump out but not intelligent, articulate or empathetic enough to be able to rally the common guy against this kind of thing. In all likelihood the battle was already over since before I was born.

 As long as the guys in power don't employ social rehabilitation programs that force shut-ins to go out and socialize I'm fine.

Comfyknight will probably go bald this November.


 * - And I'm going to use progress as a bad word, yes. Progress is nothing more than a leftist construct with the final goal of "progressing" as close to a society that is completely equal as possible. And while guaranteeing good living conditions for the worst off of society should be aspired, meritocratic hierarchies are still a staple of successful societies. That said, progress is doing no worse in winning for the last two centuries and a bit since the French Revolution - Or Enlightenment, if we are to go back even further.

 ** - Even then I'd still rather talk with one of these women rather than the facebook-browsing machines of my generation ;_;.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

No end to the darkness.

 Two days ago* mom decided to confront me about my attempts at weight loss that she deemed nocive. She went on asking why I felt I had no control over my life - Supposedly because anorexic people can be subconsciously motivated to deliberately malnourish themselves over a feeling of loss of control. I neither feel a lack of control (Or, I do, but not in the way she would define it) and nor am I anorexic.

 She is adamant that I've lost too much weight, when in fact I can't even confidently estimate a non-negligible amount of kilos I've burned. My stomach still rests over the belt, so to speak, thus I don't think eating well under the 2000 calorie mark would do me any harm.

 She threatened that she will put a moratorium on my computer usage if I don't start eating normally, and I've considered that I'd rather stick to my only outlet of escapism than sustain a decent silhouette. Nonetheless I've managed to keep both by lying about how much I actually eat.

 After being mildly infuriated at me she reverted to being more than willing to answer my every whim the next day. This is simply how things work in the family. Sometimes I take advantage of her disconnected attachment to me, but oftentimes I just try to not make contact.

 One gradually gets used to this lifestyle.

 In other news, I've just gotten my crusader to level 70 in Diablo. Kind of pales in comparison to the family tension I've experienced, but one has to look at the bright side of life at times like this.

 * - Too lazy to have written about this earlier.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Harmless, grindy, demon-genociding fun.

 Turns out I couldn't resist some grinding for old times' sake and I played Diablo 3 and watched memeball simultaneously.

 I now have a decently-levelled hero to kill even more of the legions of hell at my disposal and I didn't even have to miss out on one historical match of teams getting unprecedentedly devastated.

Yes, my flag bears a Pepe frog. I'm only ironically forcing memes into places where they don't belong, trust me.

  My character's armor is actually transmogrified to look different from what he's wearing because Blizzard has the tendency to slothily make armors "epic" by adding a lot of unnecessary ornamentations and plates on a suit of armor with head-sized shoulderguards on top. Hence, I made my character appear as he is wearing one of the earlier Crusader armor sets as they still maintain a healthy balance of practicality and style.

 This was pretty much it, pointless post needless to say tbh.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Crusader hyp

 Looks like I got lucky today.

 Despite going out today, mother insisted she take me and my little brother out somewhere in the city for no apparent purpose. I convinced her to take us to the mall where I knew copies of Reaper of Souls should be sold. She actually did give me more pocket money - 100 slavbux (Even though I only asked for 50). I would rather come to be thankful as the store had arbitrarily raised the game's price from 50 to 80 slavbux. This is also likely the last time I'm going to abuse my financial privileges to this gross degree.

 The catch was that I had to go to choose a restaurant to eat at, and that's some calories you can't pretend you didn't eat.

 On the other hand, I can finally be a grorious crusader killing hordes of demons for precious eggs pee, gold and loot used to kill more demons. FUN.

 Not today, though. My favorite meme divegrass show will commence in a hour and a bit and that's sadly not a stretch of time one can satisfyingly grind in.

Rused by porky

 I was recently overtaken by the desire for some more grindy fun, but I was sick to the core of Runescape's insane XP curve and the developer's completely delusional updating vision (Thinking that adding even more of a grind instead of creating interest for new users to start playing). So I thought about what other, somewhat less grindy MMO (kind of an understatement concerning other MMO's in comparison to RS) I could start (Though I've not permanently quit RS).

 Then I remembered that I owned and still do Diablo III - But quit long ago because I did not own the expansion - Reaper of Souls - and it did not seem available in any nearby retailer (This was before I began using paysafes for my games). Because slaughtering demons as a shining knight sounds just right down my alley and the game community appeared to be still in full force, I thought I could as well buy it and join the fun.

 And this is where a rollercoaster of 1st (2nd?) world problems begins. Converting the price of Reaper of Souls to slavbux yielded a price of about 70 - Too lazy to do the conversion again. I had 44 slavbux left over from my last card, so I decided that a 50 slavbux card would suffice and I could keep the rest of the money for later use*. Then comes the first first world problem - All the leisure money my parents had to give me was in the form of at least a 100 slavbuk bill. So I go outside (sp00ky), take the bus to the nearest store that has a card-vending machines, get my card and walk back home, burning a few calories in the progress**.

 Then I found out that Blizzard only accepts credit card or PayPal money. I desperately looked around for other sites that could sell me the game using the card but all I find were either extremely sketchy, required unnecessary amounts of personal information or didn't accept PaySafe. The one site that could theoretically accept a PaySafe payment for it doesn't have the expansion in stock. I give in and give PayPal my address and all that, to subsequently find out that they don't directly accept those cards either and I can only transfer the money indirectly through a method that has better chances of me walking into a scam than seeing my money well-delivered.

Are you frustrated?

 It's partly my fault for not informing myself more about the product I was about my purchase, but how was I going to expect one of the largest gaming companies out there and the largest money exchange mediator on the internet respectively to not accept such a popular and widespread method of payment?

 Now I have about 140 slavbux worth of codes unspent and might just have to spend another 50 to get a physical copy of the game*** while there are Indian people out there that literally defecate on the streets for lack of toilets. I guess I'm just as bad as Porky deep down inside.


 * - Not exactly the most responsible way of spending money, I'm aware.
 ** - I caught up nicely with the excess thousand I've consumed shortly before my last post. I've mysteriously gotten skinnier despite not having gone through the three days necessary to burn all those calories undergoing my current diet.
 *** - One might ask why I didn't just buy the physical copy in the first place, considering it's also cheaper. It's because the retailer is located in a mall literally on the other side of the city and the ticket prices for taking the bus there add up to it being nearly the same price as buying online.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Short update

 I'm really shooting myself in the foot when trying to lose weight. While I ussualy gravitate around the 1200 calorie mark there are times when I give in to the HUNGRY FEELING. Today was one of those days, when my mother has actually outdone herself in cooking some very aesthetic chicken schnitzel. A lot of it too. I thought a relatively small bowl of it couldn't hurt too much as I've only eaten vegetables and fruit and drank one cup of chocolate milk.

 I approximated that there were about 500 grams of it - mom's accounts of the original amount of meat purchased and what amount of it she gave to the cats we have beforehand considered. Which equals about 3200 calories. Even if those 500 grams would lose weight once cooked this is still a colossal amount. The bowl's volume is less than a litre, for reference.

 I'm not touching chicken again* and seriously considering faking a constipation to get my parents to buy laxatives. There is precedent for this for me to be able to accomplish this.

 And worst of all is that the HUNGRY FEELING still persists a little. This depression is getting out of hand.

 I've decided against anti-depressants because I found out that most school shooters were on anti-depressants when committing the act from sources I'd rather not disclose. I'm not the most stable kid in the world and don't know what I'd do if I was to imbalance my brain's chemistry like that.

 There is no end to the darkness.

 * - Being mostly hyperbolic here.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

More depression and the crashing Trump train

Caveat on 13 September 2016: When I was writing this post I was under the impression that there was only one month left until November, which was not the case. Let's say I'm not the best at memorizing my months.

Author's note: This post has been written in the span of three days and finished late at night because I could barely convince myself to write it and it didn't even come out as I'd liked to. If my points appear meandering and incoherent that's because they are. I didn't even trouble myself to spellcheck either so you're in a pickle if you proceed.

 Summer is going to end pretty soon and I've got little to show for this time span of over three months. Nevertheless, I did get a neat game I'm really enjoying and staying up late while sipping iced tea and watching meme football was extremely comfy, but that about covers the good things that've happened and I still have one unsatisfactory fact to talk about.

 Let's just say that daddy Donald is having a very poor final election month.

He's not smug because his ratings aren't decreasing as quickly
 And to a degree, not without reason. The absolute madman's done a lot of gaffes throughout his campaign that shook even my confidence in his abilities at points, especially with the recent accumulation, including but not limited to Melania's plagiarized speech (Which could've been a deliberate sabotage by a speech writer - In honest, I've stopped being in touch with what exactly is going on in the election for a while.), the Khantroversy and a really offshoot comment that can only be interpreted as wishing something involving guns happens to Hillary. I can see why people would lose faith in him following this, and I can't fault them for that.

 And there's not much I can add to what's currently going on. Trump is slaughtered in the polls and that is plain for everybody to see. However, I promised a post explaining why I'm on the Trump Train and this is the best shot I'll get at motivating my depressed self to write my reasons.

 Firstly, I'm not one of the people that literally worships him indirectly through the Egyptian deity of darkness and meme magic*. I'd definitely describe Trump as bombastic first of all, and also pretty egoistic - But tbh neither of these are that bad of a problem provided the man is able to manage a nation. Plus his ego is angering all the redditors and tumblies that joke about hating themselves** and feel personally attacked when someone states some good characteristics of their person.

 Yet none of this is really compelling stuff for him being a good leader or even me supporting him. So I'm pushing the memes aside and getting relatively serious by taking the main points of his platform and discussing them. Keep in mind I'm a mentally deranged 14-year-old authoritarian that doesn't even have residence in the USA so take my opinions with a grain of salt.

 I - Economic stimulation through tax cuts

 While I'd claim I'm economically centrist I will have to side with Trump on his plans to cut taxes - Which, if it is to work as intended, will bring back jobs for Americans by creating corporate interest in the US and hopefully damage neo-colonialism in the form of 3rd world workforce exploitation as companies move over to the US where they can more easily supply their western consumers with - If Trump is president - More welcoming economic conditions. He also wants to get rid of tax loopholes so while enterprises pay less of a share they pay all of it - But that is something easier said than done. Let's hope the madman manages this. He's also against the TPP that would reinforce inane copyright laws and only make things worse for workers in undeveloped countries.

 Right-wing economics to generate wealth, left-wing economics to even it sensibly so that some semblance of meritocratic success is in place - Is my take on how to handle an economy. It's probably not the correct one.

 II.a - Great Wall of Trump

Not exactly the most positive depiction of the wall concept***, but it'll do
 It will eventually cost little over 10 billion dollars, as stated in the video above, which is the madman's net worth and not that big of a sum for the nation with the highest GDP on the globe. But the claims that Mexico will pay for it are a bit too - If I may repeat myself - bombastic, when the nation already is corrupt to the bone, has serious crime issues and is impoverished (Almost as if these things are reciprocally caused in a vicious cycle caused by greed). But I understand Mexico does have a fairly large economic dependency on US trade agreements and foreign aid, so it could be at the very least possible to accomplish this through some scummy blackmail. And I'm just the guy for means justified by ends :^).

 Building the GWoT is the hurdle to get over. Walls have proven to work in cases such as Hungary and Israel, so while a literal wall between Mexico and the US is a bit too drasitc of a measure in my eyes it will work.

 II.b - Migration reform

 I believe everybody is at least up to date on this one. One thing in particular I'd like to make a point  that he wants to revoke citizenship grants to foreign children born on US territory and criticism of this includes the fact that this would go against the constitution; But amendments have been repealed in the past - The precedent has been set. Trump can repeal the amendment in question.

 This concludes the point.

 III - Guns

 Different countries have different social environments which can or can't warrant allowing the populace to own guns. While the ideal society should be protected by the state well enough to render private weapon ownership unnecessary, my dreams of restrictive but nurturing regimes are pretty far from reality. As the USA is very much indeed part of reality, we require realistic solutions to real political entities.

 I don't think a nation-wide decision on gun ownership should be taken in America. The rednecks of the south can keep their rifles since they've proven they can use them resonsibly but in crime-ridden and coincidentally liberal areas handguns should suffice - Gun control can be loosened up as the economic situation improves in poor minority communities and neo-marxist movements such as Black Lives Matter that are trying to further damage the already absent nuclear minority family - and thus only further damaging ethnic economic standing - are suppressed.

 Trump however wants more funding into mental health programs, background checks and harsher punishments for those that use guns for misdemeanors and malicious ends - All measures which I find perfectly reasonable. (Could benefit from some better mental health programs myself tbh)

 IV - Muslim ban

 This measure seemed extreme but understandable, and certainly wasn't a deal-breaker for me. Nonetheless, Trump having changed his mind to instead only ban muslims from countries with histories of exporting persons that have partaken in terrorist attacks  - Which I was more eager to accept, though not entirely.

 While banning migration from certain regions is drastic, these are times asking for drastic measures. Let's hope Donald doesn't stretch this ban for longer than he has to if he enforces it. Also, tangentially related, banning muslims from entering the nation isn't racist, it's islamophobic. And he no longer even wants to ban every single muslim so progressives can't bash him for that.

 I don't know much about Islam spare the basics, this being the five pillars, as well as some practices, but I don't hate it - In case I had to make this clear. I acknowledge that moderate and extreme islam are separate, and don't think people of muslim faith should be turned down from entering the western world so long as they are willing to integrate and contribute into and to society within limit of going against their faith's provisions as little as possible.

 V - Chyna

 He's also been pretty vocal about the US's newest economic rival not overtaking them economically. There's not much input of mine I can provide - It's reasonable to want your country to not be surpassed by its rivals, especially when it is as of now the largest economy on the globe.
 VI - Climate Chage

 While Trump has made an infamous statement on the climate change theory being a hoax that helps the Chinese consolidate their economy as the US struggles with respecting regulations (Which isn't true, as China has taken action to reduce their catastrophic amounts of environmental damage), he is pro-nuclear energy, which is currently more efficient than solar or wind and cleaner than natural gases, so all is not lost. His stance on this is possibly the closest he's gotten to a dealbreaker because global warming has proven to be a serious concern for not only the US but humanit as a whole and if this isn't tackeld correctly there won't be an America left to be made great again. Also a reason not to be bummed if Hillary wins because at least she will try to get the US to be more green if anything, and I'll be able to waste away my life playing videogames without the world collapsing around me.

 VII - Globalism 

 Trump among other things is anti-globalist. Which is a good thing. Globalism as it is now only exploits the disenfranchised lower classes of poor, post-colonial nations. And globalism as the average liberal that's read too much sci-fi imagines it - Well, to debunk it, ask them if they can maintain a hour-long conversation with someone from India. Or another exotic and poor nation. Turns out there's more than just being human that should mandate unification.

 I'm ending this post here. It's bad as it is. I'm going back to playing a new video game I got (might reveal what it is in a later post).

 * - The wikipedia page unironically states that he is being worshipped by /pol/ and that edit's been there for a few days. Some dankster actually did it.
 ** - Stating this isn't hypocritical because I sincerely hate myself
 *** - This being drawn by a /pol/lad that completely lacks the self-awareness to understand that the average person isn't a raving reactionary.
 **** - It's been one summer and I still haven't compelled myself to watch the last two episodes of this thing. It's not even that I don't want to see them, it just feels like too much effort.