Friday 26 August 2016

Further insight into the alt-right.

 Turns out I was hasty to label the alt right as my eloquently put "Race exists and instead of showing this evident truth to all uninformed bystanders in as sensible a manner as possible we will stumble in the pitfall of claiming that minorities should be deported to their homelands, falling in the left's trap and giving them a free hand in portraying racialism and racism as synonymous! Does anybody else SJWS are cucks lol XD" strawman. While browsing r/The_Donald* I inadvertently discovered two web-pages that tried to clear up what the alt-right is. Here they are. My only previous exposure to the alt-right was a stream where Sargon of Akkad** butted in on a hang-out of alt-right members of which most held some rather controversial opinions which I thought were representative of the movement, which back then seemed little more than an offshoot of the /pol/ boards on 4 and 8 chin.

 Well, they've grown in size since then, to the point of catching the attention of a presidential hopeful which has addressed them publicly - Only giving them more publicity and thus numbers, one of which might be me. I will explain. But to do this we have to go back a little.

 My endgame for life is - Or at least used to be the following: Get by with as little as possible, garner my livelihood with whatever job life lands me (Probably a translator - But I'm unsatisfied with my English and my Romanian is lamentable to put it formally), live in voluntary solitude, celibacy, etc. and game away my free time with the added dreaming of humanity engineering biological immortality within my lifetime so I'll have an eternity to play away. Maybe even start a coveted authorship if I can drag myself out of the linguistical mire I'm in. I supressed whatever desire I had for companionship in hopes I will lose it as time goes on in hopes it will fade away on its own. I can assume it has worked to a point, as I still long for some companionship but no longer feel compelled to seek it in other humans. I don't know if the process can be furthered or reversed but I hope I haven't pushed myself into this pit forever.

 However, the incident since yesterday has somewhat resuscitated this desire for companionship***. Since in no way in hell I'm going to look for interaction within the physical presence of other humans I will have to look for a virtual community - And the alt-right seems to fit the bill to an extent.

 I've formerly written that I agree with the alt-right on just one aspect - That race exists, and on nothing else. However, that was describing what I agreed on with the fictitious representation of this movement myself. (I'll try to list my conflicting and according beliefs with the alt-right using the linked "What the alt-right is" post for reference - In an upcoming post. I've sperged enough in this one.)

 The essential is that I seem to agree with the alt-right just enough to not seem like a subversive element but disagree with them sufficiently to generate some interesting discussion if it ever came to that.

 And now my father asked me to arrage my school notebooks. I think I'm only doing more harm than good to the alt-right by giving lefties something to reinforce their argument that the movement is composed of little more than nazi nutheads and meme-addicted kids.


 * - Being banned from 4Xia made me descend into shady places more than I usually do. My plea for innocence this instance is that in spite of reddit's poor design as a site it is still somewhat better to get a quick rundown of current world news than an anonymous imageboard. It's also lulzy to try and reason with the far left that's scuttled its way into the very structure of the site since I last actively participated in it. Don't ethnic cleanse me lads.
 ** - The fat guy that bashes feminists, not the legendary emperor. He's nice background noise for video games. He also reads historical texts in an offshoot channel of his - Which has proven a good method of culturing my short attention-spanned self as I can both game and listen to essential works without missing out on the fun of both. I tried listening to the communist manifesto from cover to end twice but both attempts were cut short by my family issues. Third time's a charm, hopefully.
 *** - I'm a really lonely freak, okay?

 **** - I'd argue that with physical tasks becoming increasingly obsolete with technology that Jews are the master-race that should populate the earth tbh. Weak but clever people with a strong sense of duty and community are the future. Come at me /pol/.

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