Friday 5 August 2016

The state of affairs ab urbe condita 2769

 Firstly, over half of summer has flown by and I barely remember any of it. Serves to show how skewed my perception of time has become.

 In other news, three days ago my parents announced me that it has been 14 days since the day I recieved my name (I assume in the form of baptism) - Not to be confused with my birthday. It was ironically more average than my average day, but I'd take it over my 13th birthday when I was ill and even ended up puking twice. Few days later I took interest in a few games and asked my parents if I could be lent some money and say it was for that occasion - I still have most of the money given to me by my grandparents for summer so it was just a formality. Perhaps I'll talk about what I've got my eyes on in a future post If I can marshal the motivation.

 Since depression seems to have come back in full force I think I will have to prematurely retract my runescape-related avatar (Topical - I've taken a break from grindscape - I can only hope not forever - and have taken up playing Stellaris again. For some reason the latter does not seem as boring as it used to.) back to comfyknight.

 Shifting to a more optimistic outlook, today debuts the 2016 Summer 4Quan Cup. I can briefly describe it as compressed, concentrated autism that only hardened meme junkies like me can handle without overdosing. 2bh I'm more excited about fulfilling one year since having started watching this than for my naming anniversary.

 Ya feeling it?

 I've placed a moratorium on my dieting and early sleeping routine for the days this will take place - As of writing this it's starting in less than an hour and will last past midnight, and I have four packs of crackers besides me and a whole bottle of iced tea waiting for me in the fridge, and I'm snuggled in my textile blanket I use to sleep in. I want to cut off social contact as much as I can anyways and I'm not an outstandingly gifted individual so consuming junk food or scraping off some braincells won't do any previously inflicted harm. I'm about to experience comfy enlightenment and there's nothing stopping me from achieving it.

 I'm losing it, but I'm still not as bad off as some other dudes. I found this while browsing /christian/ when I found myself a flicker of wishing to rediscover my spiritual side that guttered out in a few days. I've sold my soul to the memes and there's no undoing this.

Though I'm really not inclined to judge on this. At least these anons are implicitly trying to improve themselves.

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