Wednesday 10 August 2016

More depression and the crashing Trump train

Caveat on 13 September 2016: When I was writing this post I was under the impression that there was only one month left until November, which was not the case. Let's say I'm not the best at memorizing my months.

Author's note: This post has been written in the span of three days and finished late at night because I could barely convince myself to write it and it didn't even come out as I'd liked to. If my points appear meandering and incoherent that's because they are. I didn't even trouble myself to spellcheck either so you're in a pickle if you proceed.

 Summer is going to end pretty soon and I've got little to show for this time span of over three months. Nevertheless, I did get a neat game I'm really enjoying and staying up late while sipping iced tea and watching meme football was extremely comfy, but that about covers the good things that've happened and I still have one unsatisfactory fact to talk about.

 Let's just say that daddy Donald is having a very poor final election month.

He's not smug because his ratings aren't decreasing as quickly
 And to a degree, not without reason. The absolute madman's done a lot of gaffes throughout his campaign that shook even my confidence in his abilities at points, especially with the recent accumulation, including but not limited to Melania's plagiarized speech (Which could've been a deliberate sabotage by a speech writer - In honest, I've stopped being in touch with what exactly is going on in the election for a while.), the Khantroversy and a really offshoot comment that can only be interpreted as wishing something involving guns happens to Hillary. I can see why people would lose faith in him following this, and I can't fault them for that.

 And there's not much I can add to what's currently going on. Trump is slaughtered in the polls and that is plain for everybody to see. However, I promised a post explaining why I'm on the Trump Train and this is the best shot I'll get at motivating my depressed self to write my reasons.

 Firstly, I'm not one of the people that literally worships him indirectly through the Egyptian deity of darkness and meme magic*. I'd definitely describe Trump as bombastic first of all, and also pretty egoistic - But tbh neither of these are that bad of a problem provided the man is able to manage a nation. Plus his ego is angering all the redditors and tumblies that joke about hating themselves** and feel personally attacked when someone states some good characteristics of their person.

 Yet none of this is really compelling stuff for him being a good leader or even me supporting him. So I'm pushing the memes aside and getting relatively serious by taking the main points of his platform and discussing them. Keep in mind I'm a mentally deranged 14-year-old authoritarian that doesn't even have residence in the USA so take my opinions with a grain of salt.

 I - Economic stimulation through tax cuts

 While I'd claim I'm economically centrist I will have to side with Trump on his plans to cut taxes - Which, if it is to work as intended, will bring back jobs for Americans by creating corporate interest in the US and hopefully damage neo-colonialism in the form of 3rd world workforce exploitation as companies move over to the US where they can more easily supply their western consumers with - If Trump is president - More welcoming economic conditions. He also wants to get rid of tax loopholes so while enterprises pay less of a share they pay all of it - But that is something easier said than done. Let's hope the madman manages this. He's also against the TPP that would reinforce inane copyright laws and only make things worse for workers in undeveloped countries.

 Right-wing economics to generate wealth, left-wing economics to even it sensibly so that some semblance of meritocratic success is in place - Is my take on how to handle an economy. It's probably not the correct one.

 II.a - Great Wall of Trump

Not exactly the most positive depiction of the wall concept***, but it'll do
 It will eventually cost little over 10 billion dollars, as stated in the video above, which is the madman's net worth and not that big of a sum for the nation with the highest GDP on the globe. But the claims that Mexico will pay for it are a bit too - If I may repeat myself - bombastic, when the nation already is corrupt to the bone, has serious crime issues and is impoverished (Almost as if these things are reciprocally caused in a vicious cycle caused by greed). But I understand Mexico does have a fairly large economic dependency on US trade agreements and foreign aid, so it could be at the very least possible to accomplish this through some scummy blackmail. And I'm just the guy for means justified by ends :^).

 Building the GWoT is the hurdle to get over. Walls have proven to work in cases such as Hungary and Israel, so while a literal wall between Mexico and the US is a bit too drasitc of a measure in my eyes it will work.

 II.b - Migration reform

 I believe everybody is at least up to date on this one. One thing in particular I'd like to make a point  that he wants to revoke citizenship grants to foreign children born on US territory and criticism of this includes the fact that this would go against the constitution; But amendments have been repealed in the past - The precedent has been set. Trump can repeal the amendment in question.

 This concludes the point.

 III - Guns

 Different countries have different social environments which can or can't warrant allowing the populace to own guns. While the ideal society should be protected by the state well enough to render private weapon ownership unnecessary, my dreams of restrictive but nurturing regimes are pretty far from reality. As the USA is very much indeed part of reality, we require realistic solutions to real political entities.

 I don't think a nation-wide decision on gun ownership should be taken in America. The rednecks of the south can keep their rifles since they've proven they can use them resonsibly but in crime-ridden and coincidentally liberal areas handguns should suffice - Gun control can be loosened up as the economic situation improves in poor minority communities and neo-marxist movements such as Black Lives Matter that are trying to further damage the already absent nuclear minority family - and thus only further damaging ethnic economic standing - are suppressed.

 Trump however wants more funding into mental health programs, background checks and harsher punishments for those that use guns for misdemeanors and malicious ends - All measures which I find perfectly reasonable. (Could benefit from some better mental health programs myself tbh)

 IV - Muslim ban

 This measure seemed extreme but understandable, and certainly wasn't a deal-breaker for me. Nonetheless, Trump having changed his mind to instead only ban muslims from countries with histories of exporting persons that have partaken in terrorist attacks  - Which I was more eager to accept, though not entirely.

 While banning migration from certain regions is drastic, these are times asking for drastic measures. Let's hope Donald doesn't stretch this ban for longer than he has to if he enforces it. Also, tangentially related, banning muslims from entering the nation isn't racist, it's islamophobic. And he no longer even wants to ban every single muslim so progressives can't bash him for that.

 I don't know much about Islam spare the basics, this being the five pillars, as well as some practices, but I don't hate it - In case I had to make this clear. I acknowledge that moderate and extreme islam are separate, and don't think people of muslim faith should be turned down from entering the western world so long as they are willing to integrate and contribute into and to society within limit of going against their faith's provisions as little as possible.

 V - Chyna

 He's also been pretty vocal about the US's newest economic rival not overtaking them economically. There's not much input of mine I can provide - It's reasonable to want your country to not be surpassed by its rivals, especially when it is as of now the largest economy on the globe.
 VI - Climate Chage

 While Trump has made an infamous statement on the climate change theory being a hoax that helps the Chinese consolidate their economy as the US struggles with respecting regulations (Which isn't true, as China has taken action to reduce their catastrophic amounts of environmental damage), he is pro-nuclear energy, which is currently more efficient than solar or wind and cleaner than natural gases, so all is not lost. His stance on this is possibly the closest he's gotten to a dealbreaker because global warming has proven to be a serious concern for not only the US but humanit as a whole and if this isn't tackeld correctly there won't be an America left to be made great again. Also a reason not to be bummed if Hillary wins because at least she will try to get the US to be more green if anything, and I'll be able to waste away my life playing videogames without the world collapsing around me.

 VII - Globalism 

 Trump among other things is anti-globalist. Which is a good thing. Globalism as it is now only exploits the disenfranchised lower classes of poor, post-colonial nations. And globalism as the average liberal that's read too much sci-fi imagines it - Well, to debunk it, ask them if they can maintain a hour-long conversation with someone from India. Or another exotic and poor nation. Turns out there's more than just being human that should mandate unification.

 I'm ending this post here. It's bad as it is. I'm going back to playing a new video game I got (might reveal what it is in a later post).

 * - The wikipedia page unironically states that he is being worshipped by /pol/ and that edit's been there for a few days. Some dankster actually did it.
 ** - Stating this isn't hypocritical because I sincerely hate myself
 *** - This being drawn by a /pol/lad that completely lacks the self-awareness to understand that the average person isn't a raving reactionary.
 **** - It's been one summer and I still haven't compelled myself to watch the last two episodes of this thing. It's not even that I don't want to see them, it just feels like too much effort.

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