Thursday 25 August 2016

Hillary confronts the nazi frogs

 Not very timely given the last post, but the memes have to flow.

 Today presidential contender Chillary "Postman's here" Clinton aspires to making a speech about the alt-right and their hazardous memes.

  Normally I wouldn't care too much about the alt-right. One belief we share is that race exists, and that's about where the dividend ends. I'm more focused on culture as the largest stable entity humans can thrive in, as opposed to race, humanity, or suchlike, and moreover I'm more inclusive in that if somebody of a race differing to that of the indigenous culture is not prevented by his genes from integrating or wanting to integrate within the host culture he could/should be welcome with open arms - Assuming times are not of unrest. Meanwhile the alt-right is more about "Race exists and instead of showing this evident truth to all uninformed bystanders in as sensible a manner as possible we will stumble in the pitfall of claiming that minorities should be deported to their homelands, falling in the left's trap and giving them a free hand in portraying racialism and racism as synonymous! Does anybody else SJWS are cucks lol XD"

 But this is not solely about the alt-right, in most respects. It's about Pepe, the greates member of the entourage of meme characters that have accompanied me to a giggle even a the world was burning around me - In times much like this one.

 Nobody will take my memes away. May the Trumpster vanquish this fun-resenting witch and prevail animosity towards fun press on to advance the gospel of memery*.

Godspeed, maniac.


 * - This is a pretty cringy phrase but what the unsuspecting leader fails to realize is that I was just sneakily exercising my English by using some words I reminded myself with a thesaurus. Carry on.

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