Saturday 27 August 2016

Reconciliation with the alt-right

 Here comes one of the posts promised earlier.

 I've not done further research into the movement so this post is definitely going to be fundamentally inaccurate, but I'm going to write this anyways because I'll otherwise spend my time procrastinating.

 Agreement one - Racialism

 Human race exists. Period. National Geographic, Fox News, and even the nutty neoprogressives behimd this Gawker proxy have admitted that humans have different traces of Neanderthal DNA in their own depending on their location. Haplotypes also exist and they correspond to the location of ethnic groups across the planet. Ergo, race literally exists. The degree to which it does leads us to...

 Disagreement one - Racial discrepancy

 A lot of current deviations from the human norm within separate races are influenced by socio-economic factors - though they are not the sole cause. For example, one of the differences the alt-right seems most fond of bringing up to reinforce their point. But black poverty in the US factors largely into their IQ gap compared to whites (There is a study saying that even when compared in equal income brackets blacks scored lower than whites. I cannot confirm its validity. But I would be surprised if blacks naturally lagged in behind in IQ with anything greater than single digits). Asians have a strong sense of at times truly commendable collectivism and devotions to causes greater than the self that lead them to excel at things such as but not constrained to IQ tests, for example. Even jews, which I will not deny have the highest natural intelligence of all races, can attribute a lot of their success to their culture of cooperation and solidarity strengthened by centuries of oppression and prejudice****.

 Agreement two - Western Civilization is humanity's greatest to date

 It is, thanks to all the scientific advancement it has brought humanity, even singlehandedly bringing us to the post-industrial age (at the expense of non-western civilization, sadly). It is however not the only great civilization of the world and non-white cultures should be respected and held in about as high esteem as white/western civilization.

  BUT, whites are rapidly outliving their usefullness (My existence speaks volumes on this tbh). They're spending their time advocating for the most and most asinine trash (Including but not limited to making sex more of a big deal than it actually is - When ideally it should be an absolutely private matter. Do your wife, husband, <gender neutral term of spouse>, or even dog if the thing consents, but that is no concern of the society.) while non-white nations are lurking in the shadows ready to outpace them in demographical growth and scientific and infrastructural innovation.

 The alt-right is staunchly pro-white survival and is against the displacement that seems to take place in the current European environment, and while I personally am against the removal of almost any culture, I can't help but feel schadenfreude at this collapse of white civilization accounting for them having brought almost all of what is happening to them upon themselves after seeking hedonism and moral alternatives to Christianity just for the sake of being more secular.

 But I will push my mental illnesses aside and say that ideally white civilization should be preserved.

 Agreement three - (Almost) All cultures should be prized and globalism should be opposed

 Cultural diversity (The global kind, not the regional kind the left wants to impose) is as helpful as helpful as biological diversity - very. More cultures means more testing grounds for different methods of thought - Most of which can be equal in effectiveness depending on where and how they are practiced.

 I'm not sure if the opposition to globalism is only reserved for this cultural reason or if they also oppose its current economic incarnation where people from poorer nations are exploited at horribly depressed wages. Because I am against this kind of globalism as well.

 (Dis)Agreement two - Inegalitarianism/Hierarchism

 The alt-right claims to be against equality. If this equality they are talking about is of outcome, consider this an agreement, if it is of opportunity, consider this a disagreement.

 However, a safety net should still be put in place to ensure the unemployed's livelihoods are safeguarded regardless. As long as everybody trying to participate in good faith in the state's apparatus* goes to sleep on a fed stomach the rich can be free to exchange their quadrillions of dollars' worth of exoplanets to establish mining operations or whatever the rich would do with planets. You get the idea.

 (Dis)Agreement three - Moral traditionalism

 I've drifted away from traditionalism ever since I got my little hands on a keyboard and progressively morphed into an exact opposite of what the church around the corner would preach to be a just man.

 To cut it short - Yes, I'm a degenerate. A furry degenerate** at that - But I still firmly believe that traditional morality is the best way to sustain a stable and long-lasting society. I just don't practice this belief because any hope of the western world staying traditionalistic took a misstep on a land mine in 1918 and has slowly been succumbing to infections and injuries in a soaking trench ever since. In that respect, the alt-right was doomed to fail before it was even concieved because of this fact, and I'm only joining it out of principle (and memes) - Western society has become materialistic to the marrow and a bunch of people that are right of centre can't reverse this. My ideal authoritarian government is purely idealisitc and any involvment I show in right-wing politics is done out of a blend of contrarianism and what is left of my principle - Deep down inside I just want to ride this chaos that is the current political climate out.

 I want to go a bit into specifics - I originally was pro-gender/sex (XX and XY chromosomes) equality. However, a realization that's dawned upon me after seeing a discussion on the internet is that giving women the opportunity - nay, expecting them to get jobs has led to a depression of wages and equality only in recieving the same miserable salary at the profit of porky/the rich elite. In this regard I may have become more traditionalistic when it comes to marriage (Not that I'll marry anyways) and the treatment of women.

 Nevertheless, if a woman wishes to get a job expected of a man from the depths of her soul and can do it in equal or greater competence she should be given all permissions to do so.

 Disagreement four - Anti-islamism

 While Islam in its radical form is a threat, in its moderate form it is still an Abrahamic religion held up by fundamental Abrahamic tenets which have been informally certified to sustain well-functioning civilizations.

 I can understand alt-righters that want altough Islam out of the west - Though its moderate counterpart and the west aren't akin to water and oil - but then come those that want Islam completely driven out of existence, which I firmly disagree with (See me wanting to preserve culture above). There is a present risk of Europe becoming this in the following centuries:

 But the cynic in me screams that muslims will succumb to materialism before overturning current European culture***.

 And this is about it. Seems like enough of an ideological overlap for me. But the reader should keep in mind that I'm analizying an image of the alt-right which portrays it as a moderate movement that seeks cultural and racial homogenity consistently throughout the world and the pursuit of tradition. There are strong hints of white supremacy afoot which make me reticent to join it just yet.

 ... But even if they're false flags, do I really want to join? What does this 14-year-old memeslut have to offer to this political movement? I might just get painted as a subversive shill if I try to counter some alt-right points if my experience on /pol/ after somewhat growing out of the redpill is accurate. Where do I join the alt-right? It's clear to see that it's a movement, not an organization. There is no sign up paper. Is the a huge, non-anonymous alt-right forum somewhere out there where I could establish a presence and maybe find some friends among trying to have some decent discussion everywhere?

 If one thing's for sure, you won't be seeing my boast about what account I make on what site (too much) (maybe a bit) (lbh lads I'll do it a ton because I'm a neglected narcissist) - It's best to not just start screaming that I'm 14 - Instead I'll build a persona and consolidate it as I try and embed myself in the community in a symbiotic relationship. Then I'll reveal my age and being attention begging.

Allegorical meme
 And in case I change my mind, an alternative to the alternative right as a way to find a community exists.

 But you'll have to read about it in a future post.


 * - Somebody might accuse me of hypocrisy as I don't seem to entirely want to participate in the state machine in good faith. That person might be right. I'm going to be ambiguous.
 ** - I'll talk about this in a future post :^)
 *** - Would be hypocritical to condemn them for this tbbbbbh

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