Thursday 18 August 2016

It's over

 The Trump train is pretty much crashed at this point.

Normally I'm against using quotes or popular media to get my point across but this time I will make an exception.

 And while he shot himself in the foot on the occasion, it's been mainly sabotaged by hordes upon hordes of often disingenuous... dare I say, SJWs? Well, whomever sabotaged him or not, the word is still a buzzword, so I'll just refer to the group in question as "progressives"*, because that's closer to where their allegiance lies.

 I just want to dedicate this post to taking apart three such disingenuous "masterposts" about why Trump is a fascist, racist and sexist in that correspondent order. The author, I shall go on a limb and assume is a white woman in her 20s. Because that demographic struck me as the one most prone to making up the most lies about Trump's person on the internet**.

 For reference, the duce, the meme, the god, the dankster himself, Mussolini, described fascism as "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state ", but I am going to narrow its definition to an authoritarian, corporatist police state similar to what the former has implemented in Italy. It would be an exaggeration to say Trump's platform can be described using the former definition, or that he wants to create a corporatist police state - Giving a tax cut to corporations is NOT corporatism. Corporatism would be formally permitting corporations to gold congress seats(Which they kind of already do in the US, but informally). Wanting to implement some tougher policing when America is faced with ubiquitous riots isn't creating a police state either.

 I would've archived the news links that are most relevant to the libel written in this post to not give clicks to grubby hacks, but I'm too dumb to operate an archive. In fact, I'll be so lazy you'll have to read the post linked in parallel to my criticism.

 I'll warn the reader that this is probably not a good way to spend his/her time.

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
Read more at:
All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
Read more at:

 Except that he's said nothing about killing specifically women or children. He said that family members that do not act on their terrorist relatives' unlawful actions should be executed. This would include brothers, wives, sisters, whatever. Nothing was said about killing children, and if anybody would start killing toddlers first you can bet it would be ISIS. These actions indeed go against international laws, but international law isn't going to save us from an armed organization hellbent on killing all that disagree with it?

 Also, this is not fascist.

 "Trump doubles down after veterans speak out claiming U.S soldiers would not commit war crimes or torture children even if ordered to. Trump responds with, “They’re not going to refuse me. If I say do it, they’re going to do it"

 He's reffering to him being very charismatic and convincing. Also, this is not fascist.

 "Trump on torture: “Even if it doesn’t work they probably deserved it anyway."

 We are talking fanatical serial killers here. They do. Also, torture not exclusively fascist.

 "Trump renews calls for torture citing public executions and mass rape committed by ISIS promising for the U.S to do the same, “fighting fire with fire."

 Except that even the article linked does not state this. Trump's statement of fighting fire with fire was directed at ISIS being able to behead infidels while the US can't even waterboard terrorists.

 So dishonest. SAD! Also, not fascist.

 "Trump says Geneva Conventions a problem and needs to be changed since, US soldiers are to afraid to do their job due to laws which outline the definition of war crimes."

 He was referring to laws against torture being too restrictive in his own opinion. It's not like he's going to start bombing mosques full of children. Also, not fascist.

 In fact, I know an instance of a devoutly anti-fascist nation that has broken the Geneva convention to fight a fascist nation.

 "Trump threatens to shoot down Russian planes starting war with Russia."

  IF Russia ceases to intimidate the US with their potato skin-camouflaged WW1 bombers. Putin and Trump seem to be on cordial relations, and there is nothing that would indicate this changing if he were to become president. Hell, this lying mess of a post even acknowledges that Putin endorsed Trump, and argues that this somehow makes Trump a "fascist" when Putin isn't a fascist. Also, not fascist.

 "Trump says he, "won’t rule out” using nuclear weapons in Europe"

 All he said was that he is not "going to take cards off the table". Obviously there is nothing happening in Europe that Trump would consider using a nuclear warhead to deal with, but if the geopolitical climate changes he might have to. I'd say I can only hope he doesn't nuke me but to be honest tbh that would be an improvement. Also, not fascist.

Trump calls for a global nuclear rearmament.

 I won't argue for Trump on this because it's a bad idea with a few positives to the side. Nevertheless, not fascist.

 Trump says he would declare a World War as President.

 It's a metaphorical world war against ISIS. It's not like nukes are going to fly everywhere and turn Earth into a second Venus. Also, not fascist.

Trump's solution for high gas prices is to violate The Geneva Convention by invading several of America's allies in the Middle East and Africa unprovoked to forcibly seize the oil fields for himself.

 When asked for clarification about the above mentioned plan to steal land from multiple nations on two different continents Trump responded with, “We’re not stealing anything. We’re taking.“

 Eh, not the best nor worst idea but it's still not fascist. Imperialist at worst.

Trump says during debate he wants to invade Syria with 30,000 soldiers.

 I want to highlight this. This God-forsaken piece of blatant, dishonest, malicious piece of libel.



 Also, not fascist.

 I can't say this won't be abused, but this is one way to purge the pathologically violent from society. But then corrupt US police officers could abuse this special status to commit crimes themselves and not be shot at so that the victims could keep their lives but not their wallets - Or other items.

 Still, not fascist. Okay, maybe this has just a small hint of fascism on it. Not much more than that, though.

 As much as I'd say there's nothing wrong with this incorrect incarceration is a thing in our world. Humane executions are the best compromise between not being too cruel with the wrongly convicted and purging the scum of society. It's a shoddy compromise, but it'll have to do. Also, not fascist.

 So he's an unprincipled opportunist that exploited the chance to cash off an entrepreneur wanting to have books published. Also, not fascist.

 And Maria Theresa's 5th degree cousing saw Trump's face burnt next to Jesus' in her piece of morning toast. Your point?

 A lot of the next bullet points are guilt by association fallacies, most of them being pretty obvious.

 I've already spent too much time on a post that not too many will read, and, in the end, I'm clever enough to see through most of the sophistry these people pump out but not intelligent, articulate or empathetic enough to be able to rally the common guy against this kind of thing. In all likelihood the battle was already over since before I was born.

 As long as the guys in power don't employ social rehabilitation programs that force shut-ins to go out and socialize I'm fine.

Comfyknight will probably go bald this November.


 * - And I'm going to use progress as a bad word, yes. Progress is nothing more than a leftist construct with the final goal of "progressing" as close to a society that is completely equal as possible. And while guaranteeing good living conditions for the worst off of society should be aspired, meritocratic hierarchies are still a staple of successful societies. That said, progress is doing no worse in winning for the last two centuries and a bit since the French Revolution - Or Enlightenment, if we are to go back even further.

 ** - Even then I'd still rather talk with one of these women rather than the facebook-browsing machines of my generation ;_;.

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