Thursday 25 August 2016

Not a thing can be done by so few men that a hero couldn't do

 Well, tried talking up to mother and ended up stuttering about declaring her mentally ill and telling her that there is no magic cast by my grandparents or that there is a large number of people being assigned to sabotage her through trivial things being by grandpa. I also told her that this only exists in her head which displays signs of schizotypal behavior.

 That shut her up for a while. I hear my parents resuming talk now - I don't have the energy to try and talk some sense again. Not that I coherently could, anyways.

 Mom told me, after a fit of paused "okays" that I'm on my own making myself dinner - Which I'm glad of, as she was going to cook us another calorie bomb nightmare - and that we're no longer going to Canada*.

 When I managed to get in contact with father outside mother's earshot trying to tell him that I will prepare my school books when she is no longer downstairs he seemed to ignore what I said and instead intrerrupted to tell me that mom's not ill, that she loves me and [implicitly] that I shouldn't treat her like this. He's not that much better with words than me.

 I suppose it's back to everybody being on nobody's side again.

 Albeit if any good came out of this it severed relations between me and my mom and shattered her illusion that I actually am a voluntary member of the familial mother-son relationship she thinks I'm in.


 I might go into more detail about my family in a future post. Right now I need some memes and my ban on 4Tang didn't synchronize well with this event.


 * - She was adamant about the family leaving for living in a foreign nation at the percieved and false threat of war erupting here (It won't) - Initially this nation was Germany, and she was getting prepared for living there to the point of learning German and taking one or two exams to get a certificate. Yesterday, when the conflict wasn't as intense between her and father, I asked her what happened after some raised voices finished bickering when she told me her, intrinsically distorted, version of the story. Among disclosing that she was worried about father doing something with his parents (Which had a slim chance of being something that wasn't completely ordinary) she said she was still vehement in going to Germany. I managed to shoot her point down after years of her persisting by warning her of a possible (In retrospect it's not really that likely or in the domain of the near future) demographic collapse in it since they have to supply young foreigners to supply their aging population and that Canada (She brought it up originally when telling me an account of some patient - She's a gynecologist - of her suggest moving to Canada if leaving the country) would be a better pick taking into consideration that I already know English adequately and that I have to learn French for school (Though how much I learn it myself or how much of it is demanded of me in school is another matter entirely). She actually fell for my suggestion, the absolute madwoman.

 And now she's completely dropped the entire moving out scenario. Calamity averted. I managed to squeeze out some good out of this situation.

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