Tuesday 23 August 2016

I actually did it - The absolute madman

Comfyknight is ready to puncture some blank word processors with words of the most sophisticated calibre.

 I got around to tidying up my wordbox and I'm currently placing the words I've learned courtesy of it in a separate, distinct, distinguishable* and newer wordbox as a preemptive measure against having no means to find a word to describe a specific instance of something that you feel you knew but can no longer recall.

 (Post-scriptum caveat: The following paragraphs literally don't make sense and I'm too lazy to rewrite them. Reader discretion advised.)

 The topic I'm talking about doesn't isn't enough to write a sufficiently-sized serious post for this blog (The bar having already been set ankle-low), so I thought I could try to present the concept of a fantasy setting I've been toying around with for a while, and in an unanticipated burst of HIGH ENERGY I went as far as to dedicate a whooping three small textbook pages (Not exactly Tolkienesque) to organizing what ideas I've set in stone already in a manner that I can expand on them as I write. It's written very sequentially and analytically as if created specifically for an audience, but I'm not going to post the little I've written yet. Instead I might dedicate a blog to making entries about the world's basics and setting in its late iron age, from which I will distance from through stories and further entries. In that sense one could say it's a living, breathing world. Ostensibly so, as the only reason I am starting this world from the iron age is to consolidate a rich lore for a story set in the modern age which I thought of on a whim. The alternative is to pull a George RR Martin "Look at me write this vague history full of blank pockets of time which I openly admit is incomplete but the suckers that read my works actually think its deep ahahahaha".

 I just paused to notice that I am in fact dedicating this post to the setting. Anyways, let's continue.

 Except my HIGH ENERGY guttered out, making me stop at the previously mentioned amount of three pages. Reason being, aside from some presumed brain chemistry shenanigans, I got demotivated at the amount of work I will have to put into this for just one story.

 When it comes to writing, I'm awfully perfectionist. To the point it's absurd, and be it maybe because I spent a bit too much time on level-based games I treat writing like it's some skill in an MMO to level as you write increasingly better literature starting from the bottom of the barrel.

 Allow me to explain. When I was about 9, I decided to write a book, as back then I was infatuated with knights. It took place in a conglomerate of four islands, and it starred an originally generic knight character in this small world that after multiple years of borderline psychotic daydreams in intensity has grown into something better that may or may not be considered an interesting world with its own share of intriguing historical figures (This setting, much like my newer one). Being a large world, I planned on the action of more books taking place in it.

 But as I grew up I realized that my writing skills weren't even adequate, which prompted me to start various silly writing ventures with little thought put into them out of sloth and fear of exhausting ideas for my first world to improve my skills. They're all in broken down shambles now, incomplete.

 Among these ventures, I thought about writing stories in quantitatively rich but shallow fantasy planets, one of which was entirely contrived to serve the purpose of sharpening my writing while entirely missing the point of what sharpens one's writing - The others results of more aforementioned daydreams I never externalized properly. These settings eventually coalesced in a single universe in my mind, then concentrated into a galactic sector (I intended for the civilizations on the world to advance magically - magic being a cheap cop out for technology then - to an interstellar stage of civilization and begin to fight Tyranid ripoffs).

 Then the idea lost its luster, both because I generally lose interest in things after a while from a mix of tightness on attention span and alleged depression, but also because it felt too shallow to go anywhere as I write it.

 But then that story set in a modern period manifested - concurrently with me still not having given up on the cluster setting, initially. The former outlived the latter, and after spending a summer of time killing I decided that maybe writing is still worth a shot. I decided that instead of writing stories trying to capture the evolution of multiple worlds** hastily, I salvage as many elements from all of them in an as natural way as possible and tailor a decent world.

 And I think I might have succeeded. I already have many ideas on how to add on to the slim framework of this world, and I do have a basic timeline and theme in mind. I want to avoid divulging too much out of an unfounded fear that someone might happen upon this blog (hint: nobody does) and steal my ideas. I'm overly protective like that.

 The only problem, which I guess was the main intention behind these many paragraphs, was to say that now I've become attached to this world as well and might just start writing more toughtless dreck to perfect my narration if not else because I do not believe I can competently make this world live up to its greatest potential - A vicious cycle of perfectionism. I just don't learn, do I?

 It also appears that I've spent the HIGH ENERGY destined for sorting out my wordbox after writing this long post.

 Final word is that, I apparenty was mistaken to say that there is less than a month until the american presidental elections end contrary to what I've written in an antecedent post. I was mistaken.

 Perhaps Trump still has a chance to win this procession and conjure people like me a perpetual spring of banter, memes and civic nationalism to draw HIGH ENERGY and MOTIVATION from. This sentence might just be more than a joke. Who knows?

 FINAL final words now - I was considering a migration to Wordpress after finding out this website was owned by Google (Should've been clear upon seeing a gmail is necessary to operate a blog - But I ain't the roundest turnip of the bunch) for various reasons most of which I won't disclose just now. The one I will is that Google is rapidly growing a cancerous monopoly on internet media which I can't stop, but at least my conscience would rest lighter if I knew I didn't participate in nurturing this tumor. But they have restraints on how much space your blog can take up for free, so I might have to give in and get cuckolded by Googleplex.

 * - Proactively flexing my metaphorical vernacular muscles through repetition on the chance they might decide to otherwise go stiff. 
 ** - Noticing a trend with this? My best guess at why this is might be because playing Civilization 5 late in my childhood might've instilled a fascination with scientific advancement. Could also be a subconscious translation of a short attention span as I prioritize lore stretched out consistently over the span of time with diverse circumstances rather than fully fleshing out a world in a single instance of time.

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